2014年2月11日 星期二


...Puppy Love...

...Puppy Love...

And they called it puppy love
Oh I guess they'll never know
How a young heart how it really feels
And why I love her so

And they called it puppy love
Just because we're seventeen
Tell them all oh please tell them it isn't fair
To take away my only dream

I cry each night these tears for you
My tears are all in vain
Oh I'll hope I'll hope and I'll pray that maybe someday
You'll be back in my arms once again

Someone, help me, help me please
Is the answer is up above
How can I, oh how can I ever tell them
This is not a puppy love

Someone, help me, help me please
Is the answer up above
How can I, oh how can I tell them
This is not a puppy love

Happy Valentine's Day! 

4 則留言:

  1. 讓 Paul Anka 唱情歌來慶祝情人節實在美麗...
    Puppy love 是一首很棒的情歌

    五米 情人節快樂!

  2. 好多年沒聽到這首情歌,讓人回味無窮...哈.


  3. 元宵節, 情人節同一天...我就過元宵節

  4. 貓狗 不背叛啊

    現在的我 早不愛聽情歌

    說甚麼愛來愛去 說甚麼天長地久.....過日子 比較實在
